I had just turned 15 years old and was in a very rough place. My parents had decide to divorce about one year prior. As the oldest sibling of four, I felt the need to step in as a figure of guidance and support for my younger brother and sisters. My dad was no longer living at home, and not by his own wishes (or ours) and my mother was rarely home and spiralling out of control. I took the roll of being the best care giver I could be; a tough task at 15 years old. Forced to grow into an adult like mindset, I also became heavily involved with alcohol and some drugs. Depression was soon to follow. My mind was a wreck. I started having suicidal thoughts more regularly to the point where one night, I had made the decision that was surely the answer. I felt as if the last straw had been pulled. As I sat in my room, bullet in hand, thinking of how this would all go down, my brother walked in. He had no idea that he had just very well saved my life. I realized how selfish and cowardly my way of thinking at that time was. I have told him this story once before, but I don't know that he realized how serious I was. I truly am thankful to him for my life today. I cannot express how thankful I am to him, and the entire situation, as it was a pivotal moment in my life. I guess regardless, I should probably just share this story with him.
Thanks for the chance at a very cool product. I am glad to have shared this regardless... It reminded me of some things that should never be forgotten and had not been thought about in quite some time.
- Paul